It was a beautiful day, 80 degrees and sunny. We had to do some convincing to get Sam and Luke to ride the rides, and with some coercion, they did ride a few.
At dinner time we decided that since they had never had In and Out Burger, that it was a must. So we left the park and hunted down one of these fine establishments. It was a hit. Everyone enjoyed it and we headed back to the park.
Now, if you have ever been to Disneyland you will hear the voice on the tram tell you to please keep your parking ticket for re-entry to the parking garage.
Which we did.
Mike was in the car in front of us, since we had ten people in our party, we couldn't make it in one vehicle.
Mike pulled up, showed the man his parking ticket, and pulled on through.
I pulled my van full of boys up to the parking man, and showed him my ticket, his response was, in a gruff voice,"Where's your Disney pass?"
This is when I realized that my parking pass was obtained because we had prepaid one vehicle on my annual pass.
Uh Oh...
So I calmly tried to explain to the man, that I have an annual pass, but it was with my husband in the vehicle in front of us, so I can't show it to him. By this time Mike had slowed and pulled to the side, but the other parking attendants started yelling at him to move on!
It was at this point that the parking attendant, not so kindly explained to me that without it he would not let me in, and slapped a bright pink "EXIT" sign on my windshield and told me to leave the park!!!
I wish I could say it was at this time that I calmly smiled and dealt with the situation in a mature adult like fashion.
But, I didn't.
I rolled up my window and as I drove away, I, well, lost my temper just a bit. It is also possible that at this time, I may or may not have called the man a Troll.
Yes, I realize this isn't my most shinning parental moment. And I also realize that with this one slip of the tongue, every uplifting and encouraging thing that I had ever said to these five boys, sitting in the back of my van, flew out the proverbial window.
There arose from the back seat a chorus of Troll slurs that you cannot even imagine! I looked at Paula and we both realized that it was going to be a long time before we were going to be able to undo this misdeed.
I calmly explained to the boys, that I had made a grievous mistake in calling that man a Troll, and I apologized to them. I told them that he was a creation of our God, therefore not a Troll, but an individual, we should respect. Further, I explained, that as Christ-followers we should not let our temper get the best of us, as I had, and we should always try and treat others with respect no matter how they treat us.
I was answered by Luke who simply said,"Mrs. Jones, it wasn't your fault, that Troll should have let us in!"
So, Mike had to exit the park, and brought me my card. We re-entered the parking garage with a chant of "Troll! Troll! Troll!" coming from the back seat, which we quickly quieted as we approached the parking troll, I mean man, who, if I might add, was just as rude the second time around as the first.
We made our way back into the park and enjoyed the rest of the evening, with only a few more mentions of the parking troll.
Made my day with this story. Laughed out loud. So glad you and P had this time. She sounds ready to take on the world again!
Love to all, Jo
Ok, so I am so glad to see you posting again. And, I laughed and laughed because I can just hear you trying to tell those boys that your behavior was not appropriate. I love it!! Troll, troll, troll :)
Are you certain that you only used the word "troll"? I thought that I had taught you better than that. Most of my comments would have been unprintable in polite society.
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