Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Fascinating Ant Fact

I just learned, from my kids science book, that ants keep aphids like we keep cows.

They take care of them and when then stroke their backs the aphids emit honeydew which the ants enjoy drinking!

Who knew?

Also, our experiment to lure unsuspecting bugs into our meat or fruit trap has attracted bugs. The kids are very disappointed. So to all you teachers out there what do I do when an experiment fails completely?

Science teacher Jen Bell? Anyone?



Anonymous said...

you talk about why it may not have worked, you investigate all possible reasons including, season, temp., location, predators, type of fruits and meats, maybe try another bug or dead worm that you kill instead of store bought meat.
inquiry ideas: which foods attract bugs in the fall?
which type of natural setting will bring the greatest number of insects to feed? ( base of tree, base of shrub, near a source of water, etc. you get the idea)

Jennifer said...

Repeat, repeat, repeat!! That's what you do :) Where'd you put it? Take it another step and put them in different areas of the yard....or under a child's bed...just kidding!

Jennifer said...

I read on and saw that you put a board over it....I'd try taking that off and make one specimen is in the sun so it creates a lovely smell :)