Wednesday, October 8, 2008


This is Frogalina.

The kids had big plans for Frogalina. I was, of course, on the phone when they found her.

By the time I got down stairs they had named her and located the old fish tank in the basement.

They all had their hearts set on keeping her. But the voice of reason won out.

I told them they could keep her, trapped in a tank, but what would they do when winter hit and there were no bugs to be found? I convinced them it would be cruel to keep her in a tank when she has such a lovely life outside in our yard.

Frogalina is, once again, a free range toad.

Whew, that was a close one!



JonesGardenBlog said...

come on! We buy bugs for our lizard all the time! You can pick them up in any pet store.



kristen said...

Um, yeah, I have two dogs and a guinea pig, and am soon to have a rat if Joshi ever saves up the money. I think we can live without a toad.

Keith, how are your toads?


JonesGardenBlog said...

Well, we really couldn't identify them... so to err on the side of caution we got rid of them.
