Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Pink.....The New Black

So one of the problems with having girls then boys is , there are just some things that can't be passed down.

When they were little, jeans could sometimes be passed down.

Baby toys were not a problem boy, girl it didn't matter.

But bikes, skates, etc. are a whole different story. We did keep the first bike Faith ever had to train the little guys on when they were learning how to ride without training wheels. It was purpley and pink, but was used strictly for training purposes.

Recently, they have all been into roller blades. Faith and Seth got new ones for their birthdays and Faith's old ones got passed down to Kylee.

What happened to Kylee's old ones?

The cute little bright pink roller blades?

Yeah, Joshi has been wearing them. But only in the basement, up until last week.

The three of them wanted to go to Philip's and see if he could play.

I said sure.

They said they wanted to wear their roller blades.

Hmm. I thought about it and suggested maybe Joshi wouldn't want to wear the pink skates outside.

He said he didn't care, they are roller blades and he wanted to roller blade, he didn't care what color they were.


Few minutes later, in comes Seth in a huff.

Apparently some bigger boys were at the park they had to pass to get to Philip's, and they made fun of Joshi :(

Kylee followed in a huff. She was agitated that someone would make fun of a little guy. She said Seth stood up to them and told them not to pick on him because he was just a little kid.

Good boy.

Then, in came Joshi. I was worried he would be upset. He said he didn't care what those kids said, he likes to roller blade.

I told him that pink was the new black.

So tonight as Joshi and I were sitting at the table eating, he started rubbing his eye.

He said,"mom, what is pink eye?"

I explained to him it was an infection in the eye.

He said,"it makes your eye pink?"

I said yes.

He said, very matter of fact,"pink is the new black."

Yes, Joshi, it is.


JonesGardenBlog said...

Classic. Joshi the trend setter.

Of course I really hope he doesn't get a pink eye or a black eye. :)

Anonymous said...

Good for Seth and Ky for standing up for their little brother-but really good for Joshi-I'd much rather skate too!! Who cares what color they are. Pink is the new black-oh well, I don't look good in either color. :)

Anonymous said...

this cracks me up I am in the process of trying to die two pairs of pink/purple skates I got for 2$ at a garage sale. Not as easy as I had anticipated. You know it makes me kind of angry that a girl could easily get away w/ wearing black and red boy skates. What's the deal w/ that?

Kathryn Egly said...

Great story!!!