Thursday, May 10, 2007

They Don't Call it a Hot Glue Gun for Nothing

My oldest daughter loves arts and crafts. So we do a lot of artsy stuff when we can.

She is also a perfectionist, especially about her art. This is where the hot glue gun comes in. I think she really feels if she is going to put all this time and effort into creating something it should stay together. And I agree with her. To a point.

But today after we came home from the Native American museum in Aurora (Thanks Joni!) I had the kids design their own Navajo blanket, with felt. The plan was that we would just design, cut out, and, glue. I was thinking Elmer's and Faith was thinking hot. So as I was helping Josh cut out his shapes I smell the hot glue gun warming up. You know the smell. And I look up and Faith is in the process of hot gluing her blanket together. I tell her to be careful and she is. She does hers and Seth's with no incident.

Then it was my turn to do Kylee and Joshi's. This is where it all went awry. My first sign that things were not going to go well was when I just missed the shape and got a little glue on my finger. That hurt. But next I full on glued a rectangle to my finger! Really glued it to my finger. I have to say I have not felt such burning pain since the time my friend and I were trying to curl our barbie head's hair and she put the curling iron down on my leg. That was bad but when the pain started with the curling iron I removed it. This time I couldn't get the stupid rectangle off my finger. I ran to the sink and thought of some words that I really would have loved to have said, but didn't. Thankfully.

Okay so remember that the glue that comes from hot glue guns really is very hot. Really.



Anonymous said...

I can think of all kinds of comments, but, let me just say that you should leave the dangerous things to adults who can actually handle them. Like in this case, you should leave the hot gluing to Faith.

Anonymous said...

Hey Keith-that's what I was going to say-Next time let Faithie do it!!