This weekend was the start of the basketball season in our house. It started a little traumatic but only because I am so directionally challenged.
Mike had Fuel so it was up to me to get the boys to their games on my own. Wow that sounds pretty lame of me. I just have such a hard time getting to new places. I can't explain it. It doesn't matter how organized I am it just seems that the first time I have to be some place new I get lost.
So I got the directions for both of the schools and felt pretty prepared. Made it to Joshi's game at 8:30 with no problem.
Maybe I got over confident.
Decided to do some shopping in between games, see if I could get a great deal on a winter jacket for Faith. I didn't. Left Kohls with an hour before the game. Followed the directions and ended up miserably lost. I called Mike but he didn't answer his phone. Tried Paula, she didn't answer her phone. Called Jen, she answered!!! She got me turned around and I was in the right neighborhood. Didn't realize there were two streets with the same name and I took the wrong one. Ended up lost again. Called Jen, she didn't pick up. Paula, still no use, Mike nope. Then I thought, "Hey! What if there are two streets with the same name?"
Drove down the road and sure enough there it was.
We got there right as the game was starting.
I decided to take the directions I had backwards home to see where I messed up. Okay, here it is. The directions said to turn on Frontage Road. Which I did. It neglected to mention that there were two "Frontage Roads" on this same road and I turned on the first. The one I was supposed to turn on was the second one.
So I don't feel totally responsible for this mistake. Google maps needs to take some responsibility here.