Thursday, November 29, 2007

Feels Like 10

This is how we know it is really winter. As soon as it gets cold out Jaz searches the house for the spot where the sun comes in the window. Then she lays there all day. The good thing is that if you are cold and looking for some place warm all you have to do is look for the dog and you know you will be in the warmest room.

Seth and I checked the temperature today so we could record it on our chart and at 9:30 it was 23 degrees. Oh, but it feels like 10 degrees. I won't even go into that.



Anonymous said...

Jazzie has almost no fat on her body-I'll bet she is cold. Unlike Max, who pants when you can see your breath! She is a very smart little dog.

Anonymous said...

Po little puppy

Anonymous said...

Feels like 8 in Aurora. But we're up north.