Friday, November 9, 2007

Reading Goals

We just completed our first nine weeks of school. I just had to post about their reading goals because they are doing so great!!

Both girls have earned their first date and Faith has earned her second with Kylee only a couple hours away.

Seth earned his first date (which we had on Monday night, he is a great date!) and Joshi just reached the first date goal yesterday!

Here are their hours as of today

Faith- 45 hours 45 minutes
Kylee- 43 hours 15 minutes
Seth - 27 hours 30 minutes
Joshi- 22 hours 30 minutes

That is a lot of recreational reading for nine weeks! I am really proud of them.



Anonymous said...

AWESOME! Way to go guys!

Good stuff.

Anonymous said...

Those are my exceptional grandchildren-Faith, Kylee Hope, Sethie and Joshi-WAY TO GO!!