Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Three Shots for Joshi

Yesterday we reached another stage in our children's' lives. Our last kiddo got his five year old shots! That feels so weird to me. It feels like we don't have any babies any more. I am not sad about this though. How exciting that they are all growing up and doing so well.

The other obvious thing is that since he got his five year old shots that means he must be ready to officially start school!! It is so hard to draw the line here because he has technically been in school since he was a tiny baby!! But I do try and make a big deal out of Kindergarten so they understand that in the next few years they will have to start getting serious about this learning stuff. But my kindergarten philosophy is learn while playing so it won't be much different from what he does now.

Another exciting thing that happened yesterday is that we found out that Joshi has officially made it into the 50 percentile in his height and weight!! Now I am still wondering if she was looking at the right chart but I will take the news and celebrate!! He has always been such a peanut I guess I still just see him that way.


Anonymous said...

Speaking of shots, that's an AWESOME picture of you two. I hope you have it framed somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Great picture!! Would it be possible to get a copy? Joshi is such a precious little peanut-it is amazing to me everytime I am around him, how much he has already picked up from "school". I'm sure that he is WAY ahead of the regular school kids his age!