Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tullius, Claudia and Marcus

So here's a question for you. Is it unique for children to play what they are learning in school?

Today all their school friends are at after school activities and so they have been left to their own means. They are actually all four playing together. Nicely!!

I am hearing bits and catching glimpses.

What I know is that they are all down in the basement wearing make shift tunics/togas, wearing their Bullas that they made out of Clay and sporting names like Tullius, Claudia, and Marcus. I think I even heard a little Latin being thrown around.

No, I am not teaching them Latin. (but some of the books they are reading are making reference to Latin words)

Okay, so do other kids do this? I know that when their friends come over they play along and will play the games my kids make up, but the question is will the average school kid play, say, Declaration of Independence when they get home from school?

Just wondering.



Bill Curley said...

In a gentler (socalled) era towards the end of WWII and for approximately 4 years afterwards; the popular "games" were Soldier& Sailor where no one wanted to be the enemy(terms for the enemy would be considered politically incorrect today); and Cowboys and Indians. Then the era of Buck Rodgers came in & we were space men. Korea was much scarier to me because I was closer to it than WWII but waited until Vietnam to serve. House & girls games were definitely not in vogue.

Anonymous said...

Such wonderful, imaginative, beautiful children! My kids used to play "church". They would set up chairs and have communion.

Anonymous said...

Only if they have really good teachers inspiring their little minds to learn more. Your kids just gave you complete validation for your teaching abilities. WooHOo!
-A.J. :0)

Anonymous said...

My kids do play Mary, Joseph, and the nativity scene. Annaliese is usually an animal of some kind. Then there was the shark attack on Jesus incident followed by the manger falling apart(by guess who). So yes, they pretend and add their own twists. Most often they imitate tv characters. I'm very impressed by the Latin thing. My kids only pretend to speak Spanish.

Leeanne said...

your kids are so fun! I took Latin in school, and there was a Latin convention every year. We picked Latin names and wore togas (over our clothes) and wreaths on our heads and participated in Roman activities. It was so fun! Maybe your kids have a future in Latin class event planning! :)