Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Constant Encourager

So, Seth was playing first base yesterday during his baseball game and Mike and I were noticing something. Every time the other team's player would get onto first base Seth would run up to him and tell him that he did a great job. Some of the boys looked at him strangely but most of them smiled and high fived him.

Also, when his team was up to bat if one of his team mates would strike out he would jump up to greet him when he was coming back to the dug out to high five him and tell him he did a great job.

We were really proud of him for his encouraging words and love for other's. I hope that he never looses it. I pray that he can carry that love for others and compassion for always and use it to teach other's about God's love. That's what being a Christ follower is all about. People should recognize us as different but not because we are blaming and condemning but because we are loving and kind. Shouldn't people look at you and wonder why you are going out of your way to encourage them?

Could people around you say that about you?



Kathryn Egly said...

Wow...that is AWESOME!!!! Wouldn't that be amazing if we were all like that!!! I hope I can say that my son is that kind of encourager one day!

Anonymous said...

Your kids are so cool.

Anonymous said...

out of the mouths of little children. Sethie is such a sweetheart-I hope he never loses that. It would be an amazing world if everyone was that way.

Anonymous said...

What a sweet kid I almost cried. I wish we could see stuff like that. We miss you guys.