I walked upstairs and entered my room. I looked around and something seemed amiss. I couldn't quite put my finger on it but I had a feeling something had
occurred in this room.
The first thing I spotted was a broken black crayon on the floor by my bed spread. The thought did cross my mind that my black and white bed spread does look a bit like a coloring book. But nothing there.
Then I looked on my dresser and notice my
jewelry box pushed to the edge of the dresser. This was enough evidence to convict.
They ran upstairs and I began the interrogation.
"Why were you in my room?"
(This is really the best way to start, If you ask who then you are just opening yourself up for problems. Skip the who and go right to the why.)
Seth- "It was Josh he was playing with stuff in your room."
Josh- "Na uh I saw Seth he was in here too."
Me-"Okay, okay, why were you guys in my room"
Seth- "Josh took something"
Josh-"It was Seth he was in here too he touched the mirror"
Seth-"I was just looking for a brush for Harley!"
(This is where I was so shocked and about to burst out laughing that I had to ask them to leave. )
A brush for Harley. So many questions come to mind. Of coarse the first is why he was looking for a brush for his guinea pig. But coming in as a close second would have to be, why, in the world, he was looking for a brush for his guinea pig in my room!!! When I regained
composure I asked him to refrain from using anything in my room on his guinea pig.
It kind of reminded me of that Seinfeld where Jerry drops his girlfriends tooth brush in the toilet but doesn't tell her and when she finds out she tells him she had put something of his in the toilet and he goes crazy trying to find out what it was.
Yeah that is how my mind works.