Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Vocabulary Lists

Something I struggle with in schooling our kids. Vocabulary exercises.

I don't know what it is about vocabulary lists, I just can't seem to wrap my mind around them.

I know it is important. And it seems that I always have the best intentions when the school year starts then after a few weeks the vocabulary lists, and activities take a back seat to other stuff.

Last year I started out with index cards and word lists from our curriculum. They were supposed to write the word with the definition, then I had games and such they could play with them. That didn't last long. We played a lot of hang man, which at least got the word out there and they were hearing and seeing it. We spent a lot of time playing a balderdash-type game last year and that was fun, but I don't know how much they were retaining from any of those methods.

They hate doing the standard- write the word with the definition and a sentence. I try and stay away from things they hate. Not that everything is fun, fun, fun, but I have found that if they hate doing something it just isn't a good way to get them to learn it. They just want to get it done then. And also my goal isn't to ram as much information as I can into their heads, but to teach them to love learning. And I know they don't hate vocabulary words they just don't like the method of teaching.

I just found this website. Don't know how effective it will be but it seems to have some good stuff on it. It looks like there are endless possibilities for word lists, lots of puzzles and cool stuff. Also they have the word lists broken up into categories, like the middle ages, which will come in handy as we go through our school year.

I am going to try it and see how it goes. It really couldn't be any worse than my so far unsuccessful attempts at getting them to do vocabulary work!



Renee said...

Checked it out. Looks pretty cool
Thanks for the link. Glad you are feeling better

Anonymous said...

What about a pictionary type thing? Would that help retention? I suppose it would depend on the word.

Anonymous said...

I used to have my students (little kids) draw a picture to go with the vocabulary or spelling words. Art always makes learning more fun!
-A.J. :0)