Saturday, October 20, 2007

Dropped the Ball

Oh!!! I am so mad at myself right now!! I think I got over whelmed this last week. Lots going on. And because of that I didn't get my books reserved for the coming week. I don't know what I was thinking!!! I have been doing it on the previous Monday, that way they have a week to get them at the library and if I have to buy them I have time for the bookstore to get them.

But I didn't do it.

Luckily most of the books were at the library so I just have to wait till they compile them. I am praying they do that on weekends. I may stop there and find out.

But Kylee's literature book which she is to read 50 pages in I had to buy. And they said it won't be in for 4-6 days!! Not their fault. Mine.

I am frustrated mostly because I have been feeling like I have things so organized and I have been so put together and then I make this giant error!

Okay I feel better for venting. I wish I had someone to blame other than myself. Maybe I could blame it on the dog. That would make me feel better.



Anonymous said...

Are you all done with the pharoah?

Anonymous said...

Thought I would make you feel better by sharing that I am extremely anal about our budget and bills and do not like to pay any fees. I pride myself in making money by using Discover for everything to earn cash back. Well, we we went to Flagstaff last weekend and came home to find out that somehow I forgot to pay the bill. Not only did they slap me with a $39 late fee and interest on the old statement, but they also charged me interest on the new purchases, which included the four plane tickets to Honduras. So I am out around $100 and I had the money in my account to cover it!!!!!
Love reading your blog. I can always hear your voice in the words.