Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The Park, It's about 300 Cubits Away...

This weeks history focus is on the creation of the world. This curriculum presents Moses' story and times he lived(hence the pharaohs and Egyptian mythology of the last couple weeks) then goes back and presents the stories of creation, the flood and the Patriarchs that Moses would have written down for the Israelites in the wilderness.

Today we got through Noah. The study suggests measuring out the Ark in cubits. I went through several feelings with this project.

My first was, "That sounds great! The kids learn so well with hands on projects and I really think that this will bring it home just how big the Ark was. And they will learn how long a cubit is!"

My second was,"I don't know if I really want to look like a weirdo going up and down my street. I mean my neighbors already think I am strange with my kids at home all the time. Maybe we should skip this."

My third was,"okay kids here is your string."

So we each got an 18 inch piece of string (1 cubit) and started down at the park. I now know that my house is just a little longer than 300 cubits from the park at the end of our street. I am also sure that my neighbors think I am a crazy women but, oh well. I wish I had a picture of us all lined up with our strings.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go, School Marm Mommie! Your neighbors are probably just jealous because you get to spend so much time with your kids and they are better for it-someone else is not raising them. My friends home school their 5 children and they are a delight to be around like your children are. God is smiling-He likes that you and your children know what a "cubit" is.