Thursday, April 12, 2007

Jamaica- Last Year

I was just sitting in the kitchen looking out the window at the SNOW and thinking about this time last year when Mike and I were preparing to go on our cruise to Jamaica.....

Looking at the pictures does make me feel a bit warmer.



Anonymous said...

I'm warmer than you, here in Kentucky-but I AM SICK OF THE COLD!! I just want to open a window and feel the warm breeze and hear the birds-they are still bundled up! I will probably be wishing for this weather in August, but-hey that's what "seasons" are all about!!

Kathryn Egly said...

You look like you were born for Jamaica!

What cruise line did you go on? Ted and I are going on a cruise in the Caribbean next month!!!!!!! It may be our last vacation for a while!

kristen said...

Kathryn, we have been on two Carnival cruises. They are cheap so you don't expect too much. but we have always had a great time. the food is awesome!! The first cruise we went on was out of CA and I was pregnant with Seth. Let me tell you it was the best!! What pregnant women doesn't love a 24 hour pizza bar?????? But the Caribbean was my favorite vacation ever!!!! Have sooo much fun and I will just live through you so bring me back lots of pics. And if you are going to Jamaica we can hook you up with a great tour guide. Let me know!!! KRisten