Friday, April 13, 2007

Mountains, Rivers, and Lakes Oh My!!

Amazing that I made it through 15+ years of schooling and never made one of these. But since we are talking about the Frontiersman and such the curriculum suggested you make a topographical map to help the students better understand the terrain. This is our first phase. Still lots more to be done and added but I think we got a pretty good start.

It was a great idea for everyone to get involved. They all helped fill in the map with clay and build up the major mountain ranges but Josh and Seth lost interest when we started labeling the major rivers. They started to form tiny Paul Bunion and Puss in Boots out of clay to add to the mountain ranges. No, I do not know how Paul and Puss are related.

Thank you to my sweet husband for drawing the outline for me. You rock!!!

Lots to do!!



Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the relief maps we used to make in school with flour and salt and water-great map, good job!

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised there weren't any "mad dinosaurs". Oh wait, that's MY son.