Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Cow Eye is in the Mail

So as of Monday I was still trying to solve the cow eye dilemma. Funny that I was able to find all these websites that were so casual about their cow eye acquisitions. I on the other hand did not have such an easy time finding such a thing. And of course I, thinking it would be no big deal getting one, put it off till the last moment. We were scheduled to dissect it Monday so I gave Mike the number of the butcher and told him I needed a fresh cows eye. Needless to say the butcher thought he was crazy. So after a couple of failed attempts he asked me to go ahead and find a science supply store and we would order a cows eye. So I found one here and it is on it's way!! We are all pretty excited but Seth, is busting. He is anxiously awaiting the arrival of the mailman and is sure that the cow's eye will be in the mailbox. Of course they sent it yesterday so I don't think it will be here for several days.

Don't worry I will try and photograph our experiment so I can share....although since our trip to NC the camera now decides when it is going to take pictures. Could be because it was dropped in a parking lot. Who knew that dropping a camera on asphalt would damage it?



Bill Curley said...

I missed yesterday's post, but, in line with my propensity for procrastination, this should be OK. You really made me smile when I read your Blog. The story about the Palm trees was not really fake; those trees were terrible drivers especially when it came to steering the MG Midget. You always had to park going down hill so it could start again. And, yes, I really liked Mike from the start and have grown to love him since...

Anonymous said...

"the cow eye is in the mail"-that's a new one-I think that a check would definitely be better!!

Anonymous said...

Can you order them in bulk? Sounds like you'll need several.

kristen said...

Yes you can order them in bulk but I am thinking that one eyeball rolling around and one razor is really enough!! Don't you think?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I don't know. I'm sure my older two would be fighting over it. Although one is more than enough to supervise. Knowing JD, there's no telling where it would end up if I wasn't looking. After all, I did find his teddy bear in the frig a couple weeks ago. I did let it out.