Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Happy Birthday Dad!

This last weekend was my Dad's 67th birthday! I missed being there with him and celebrating with him. My Daddy is one of the coolest people I know.

When I was little we used to go on walks on the weekend. He would get me up really early, yuck, but since it was our time together it was okay, and we would walk. Sometimes just to go down to the store and get the newspaper and a doughnut. But on the way there were always crazy stories we would make up together.

Remember the driving palm trees dad?

My dad spent A LOT of years in the navy but he retired when I was eight. So I got the privilege of seeing more of him then my older sister. But I tell you this fact, so that you can imagine his face when my sweet, now husband, Mike showed up at the door for the first time with ripped jeans, and I mean ripped all over, and hair down his back. But my daddy knew that I already loved this guy and when I pulled him aside in the kitchen that evening and asked him what he thought he said he really liked him. He was able to see past the exterior and saw Mike's sweet spirit and they became friends right off. My dad is one of Mike's biggest supporters and I love that!

My dad has always supported me and Mike in the decisions we have made for our family. From helping us to buy our first house to helping us to buy our first car. Even when we came to my parents and told them that we were moving our family 2000 miles away to North Carolina for a job that didn't start out with a salary, they helped us pack and even drove with us across country and helped us move in!! I can't even imagine how hard it was for him to let us go. I think about that when I look at my kids now and I am not sure I could do it with as much grace as they did.

Okay I will stop with the mushy stuff but there are endless stories of his generosity to me and others. Thanks daddy for being such a great dad and Happy Birthday!!



Anonymous said...

You are so very lucky. Your dad is awesome! Just stay out of his way during a snowball fight. :0)

kristen said...

Oh my gosh!! That totally made me laugh!! I had forgotten that snowball fight! He felt so bad. I used to love it when he would come and visit us up in flag.

Anonymous said...

It's a wonderful thing to have a great daddy! Love him alot now, cause you miss them terribly when they are gone!